Developer advocate, software developer, movie lover, music listener, pizza eater, meat smoker
Posts tagged with: .NET
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
In my last post, I talked about Custom Content Resolvers and how that functionality isn’t available with XM Cloud – but how you probably don’t need them for a large portion of the scenarios being created as you can get a long way with the OOTB Content Resolvers provided by the platform. What happens when you do need some complex functionality that they can’t provide though? Well, that’s what we’re going to be talking about here......
Monday, November 28, 2022
In my last post, I talked about Custom Content Resolvers and how that functionality isn’t available with XM Cloud – but how you probably don’t need them for a large portion of the scenarios being created as you can get a long way with the OOTB Content Resolvers provided by the platform. What happens when you do need some complex functionality that they can’t provide though? Well, that’s what we’re going to be talking about here......
Friday, November 25, 2022
One of the key differences between working headlessly in Sitecore XM 10.2 and Sitecore XM Cloud is the introduction of Experience Edge. When working against Edge, there is no Web Database and there are no Content Delivery (CD) servers. Instead, when you publish a snapshot of your layout data is stored in our Content Delivery Network (CDN), this enables super-fast, low-latency, globally scaled delivery of your content to your head. However, it does change how you must think about your development processes......
Thursday, November 24, 2022
The Developer Advocacy team here at Sitecore recently completed a project to migrate the existing Sitecore MVP site, built with Sitecore XM 10.2, to XM Cloud.......
Monday, September 26, 2022
We've recently been working on a migration project, moving, and rebuilding a series of sites to run against Sitecore XM Cloud. One of the key requirements was to ensure that all the sites could be edited in both Sitecore Experience Editor, and the next-generation editing interface included with XM Cloud - Sitecore Pages. This blog post will cover the steps we took to get this working.......
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Our team have recently been working on a project to migrate the existing Sitecore MVP site, to run against XM Cloud. One part of this involved upgrading the version of the Rendering Host, which was previously built using ASP.NET Core 3.1 to the latest version - .NET6......
Monday, December 13, 2021
I’ve recently been working on a web project built using ASP.NET Core. One of the features we implemented was to automatically redirect all traffic coming in on HTTP over to HTTPS as it’s far more preferable for a heap of reasons.......
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
We’ve been working recently on an updated version of the Sitecore MVP Website. This site has been used for the MVP application process which has just been run, and we used an external federated authentication provider to allow people to create their accounts for the application process.......
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
A few months ago, I read about a new release from Microsoft called Mobile Blazor Bindings and it sounded really interesting, a way to embed a Blazor application inside of a Xamarin Forms application, meaning you could leverage web tech in building out your mobile experiences, how cool is that!......